Monday, May 24, 2010

Train them up!

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

If you study the word TRAIN in Websters 1828 dictionary it has to do with bringing along side. It also has to do with discipline by narrowing. It mentions training as in military. If you liken your child training to military training you can see a narrowing approach. Example: A season of intense training in obedience, trust, skills, ect... The world teaches that we need to give our children a broad range of experiences so they can be well rounded individuals. The scripture says, "broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:" If we approach our child training with a narrowing mindset we will begin to view things differently.

By allowing your child to narrow his education he will be able to become very accomplished in the area he has chosen. This will cause him to have confidence and be able to embrace areas that are more difficult for him.

Here is an example from one of our home school experiences:

When my son was around 4 or 5 he became interested in leather working. We encouraged his desire by giving him time needed to work. We gave him tools and materials to work with. We also took him to places where he could see others working. We subscribed to leather working magazines. We were able to incorporate his writing by having him copy (he was only 4 or 5) a description of his work. He was also at the time learning to read. As his skill increased so did his reading, writing. Now at the age of 15 he has a marketable trade. He is a skilled leather worker and is sought after to build knife sheaves, leather cell phone holders, chaps, custom gun holsters. He recently sold a gun holster for $175. He is only 15!

When he showed an interest in other areas we came alongside with resources and support. He is proficient at piano playing, and recently was hired to brake a horse. He just came back from a short school on setting up archery bows. He attended the training with his father. No one could believe how young he was, but also how mature.

I say all this not to brag but to give you a vision that your child is a individual with individual gifting and talents. When we read the verse in Proverbs it says to train our child in the way HE SHOULD GO. Our children are unique and precious. Each having a unique calling and gifting. It is up to us as parents to seek God on how to encourage our children in the calling He has for them.


ASHTON said...

Very neat,thanks for sharing.

P.S. Your invited to comment on my blog anytime (That is if you even want to or have the time) =).

Jean said...

hey there darling SIL. you are a blogger now! I had no idea who "always room for one more" could be, then I checked! great stuff your putting out there. now you can have your writer's outlet.

Always room for one more said...

Thanks SIL are you know I always have something to say. The problem is I can't choose what.

One Life Many Journeys said...

This moved me to know that there are parents out there that are still doing it right! God Bless you and your family!

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