Saturday, August 4, 2012

My Weakness for His strength!

This last week has been a hard week!  You know one of those times when every single day
seems to be harder then the previous.  I am sure there are others out there who have their times of struggles.  How is it that it seems as if we are the only ones?  So here is a short list of my week. I took my mom to the ER for chest pains.  I had been trying to get her to go for days, this was just the climax  her blood pressure was 232/98.  Once they got that under control she was fine.  My sister went to the hospital and was transferred by ambulance to OU medical.  So at 4 am I drove my mom to the hospital in the city.  No wonder my moms blood pressure was so high!  My soon to be adopted 15 year old decided he didn't want to obey and gave me an ultimatum to give him his way or he would go back to the shelter.  I don't think he realized I have raised a few teenagers :)  So, I helped him pack his bags, to which, he quickly unpacked!  With six children in the process of being healed from abuse and neglect it is often a lot of stress and drama, to say the least!

So, in the midst of all this and more.  God has been dealing  with me about casting ALL of my cares on HIM!  What is it about us women that we think we can handle this life anyway?  I know for me except for the Grace of God I couldn't make one single day.  I am learning to exchange my weakness for HIS strength.  Today while I was reading my Bible a verse stood out to me:
Proverbs 3:7,8  Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow for thy bones.

Wow, sometimes I think I have it all figured out.  I am wise in my own eyes.  I know today that it is only as I fear the Lord, that I have the life that I need.

In my weakness He is made strong!

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